Yen-Wei Chu Professor id
Lab : Natural Computing & Bioinformatics Laboratory
Office : Health Inspection and Quarantine Building, Room 704
Lab Location : Health Inspection and Quarantine Building, Room 706
Office Tel : (04)22840338 # 7041
Lab Tel : (04)22840338 # 7061
Fax : (04)22859329


Position Institution Duration
Director Graduate Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics, National Chung Hsing University 2020/08 - 2026/07
Distinguished Professor National Chung Hsing University 2022/08 - 2026/07
Review Editor Frontiers in Digital Public Health 2021/07 - present
Guest Editor Frontiers in Genetics 2023 - present
Professor Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics, National Chung Hsing University 2019/08 - present
Editor Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research 2014/10 - present
Commissioner Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. 2006 - present
Lead Guest Editor Journal of Neuroscience and Neuroengineering 2012 - 2013
Associate Professor Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics,National Chung Hsing University 2012/08 - 2019/07
Assistant Professor Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics,National Chung Hsing University 2008/08 - 2012/07
Assistant Professor Department of Bioinformatics, Asia University 2006/08 - 2008/07
Lecturer Department of Information Management,Yuanpei University 2005/08 - 2006/07
Lecturer Department of information management,China University of Technology 2003/09 - 2005/07
Consultant IT Division,Transformer Bobbin Industrial Co.,LTD 1998/03 - 2000/03
Lecturer Association of Electronic Multi-education, R.O.C. 1997/03 - 1999/06
Ph.D. Department of Computer Science,National Chiao Tung University 1998/09 - 2006/07
M. S. Department of Computer Science,National Chiao Tung University 1996/09 - 1998/07
B. S. Department of Computer Science,National Chiao Tung University 1992/09 - 1996/07

Research Interests

  1. Bioinformatics Algorithms
  2. Precision Medicine
  3. Smart Agriculture
  4. Big Data Analysis
  5. Artificial Intelligence

Selected Publications

Journal (*Corresponding author) :

  1. Cheng-Hsun Ho, Yen-Wei Chu, Lan-Ying Huang, and Chi-Wei Chen (2025) SUMO-LMNet: Lossless Mapping Network for Predicting SUMOylation Sites in SUMO1 and SUMO2 using High-Dimensional Features, Vol. 27, Pages 1048-1059.(SCI)
  2. Hung-Ming Chiu, Shih-En Lin, Yen-Wei Chu*, Chih-Jung Chen (2025) Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA) as a Data Analysis Method that Identifies Potent Hematological Parameters for Early Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer, IN VIVO, 39: 1042-1053.(SCI)
  3. Chi-Wei Chen, Wayne-Young Liu, Lan-Ying Huang and Yen-Wei Chu* (2024) Using ensemble learning and hierarchical strategy to predict the outcomes of ESWL for upper ureteral stone treatment, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 179, 2024, 108904. (SCI)
  4. Yen-Wei Chu* and Chang Chi-Chang (2023) Using Physical & Genomics Markers for Smart Therapy via Expert Systems With Computer Learning, Frontiers in Genetics, 14:1336399. (SCI)
  5. Shih-Huan Lin, Ching-Hsuan Chien, Kai-Po Chang, Min-Fang Lu, Yu-Ting Chen and Yen-Wei Chu* (2023) SaBrcada: Survival Intervals Prediction for Breast Cancer Patients by Dimension Raising and Age Stratification, Cancers, 15(14), 3690. (SCI)
  6. Jie-Hao O, Chang-Hsin Ku, Yea-Fang Wu, Guo-Cih Lin, Miin-Huey Lee, RongKuen Chen, Hau-Ping Chou, Hsin-Yuh Wu, Sheng-Chi Chu, Qiao-Juan Lai, YiChen Tsai, Chun-Chi Lin, Chien-Chih Kuo, Chung-Ta Liao, Yi-Nian Chen, Yen-Wei Chu*, Chi-Yu Chen (2023). Application-oriented deep learning model for early warning of rice blast in Taiwan. Ecological Informatics. 73, 101950. (SCI)
  7. Shu-Yuan Lin, Hui-Rong Su, Chen-Cheng Lo, Shang-Min Yeh, Chi-Hung Lee, Richard Wu, Fen-Chi Lin, Yen-Wei Chu*, Shuan-Yu Huang (2022) Effects of Extended Viewing Distance on Accommodative Response and Pupil Size of Myopic Adults by Using a Double-Mirror System, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19(5), 2942. (SCI)
  8. Ying-Hsuan Chen, Shun-Lung Chao and Yen-Wei Chu* (2022) Effects of Perceived Benefit on Vitamin D Supplementation Intention: A Theory of Planned Behaviour Perspective, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 19(4), 1952. (SCI)
  9. Ching-Hsuan Chien, Lan-Ying Huang, Shuen-Fang Lo, Liang-Jwu Chen, Chi-Chou Liao, Jia-Jyun Chen and Yen-Wei Chu* (2021) Using Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Target Gene Expression in Rice T-DNA Insertional Mutants. Frontiers in Genetics,12, 798107-798107 (SCI)
  10. Chi-Hua Tung, Yi-Sheng Chang, Kai-Po Chang and Yen-Wei Chu* (2021) NIgPred: Class-Specific Antibody Prediction for Linear B-Cell Epitopes Based on Heterogeneous Features and Machine-Learning Approaches, Viruses, 13(8), 1531. (SCI)
  11. Kai-Po Chang, Shih-Huan Lin, Yen-Wei Chu* (2021) Artificial intelligence in gastrointestinal radiology: A review with special focus on recent development of magnetic resonance and computed tomography, Artificial Intelligence in Gastroenterology, 2(2): 27-41.
  12. Chi-Wei Chen, Lan-Ying Huang, Chia-Feng Liao, Kai-Po Chang and Yen-Wei Chu* (2020) GasPhos: Protein Phosphorylation Site Prediction Using a New Feature Selection Approach with a GA-Aided Ant Colony System, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(21):7891. (SCI)
  13. Ching-Hsuan Chien, Chi-Chang Chang, Shih-Huan Lin, Chi-Wei Chen, Zong-Han Chang and Yen-Wei Chu* (2020) N-GlycoGo: Predicting Protein N-glycosylation Sites on Imbalanced Data Sets by Using Heterogeneous and Comprehensive Strategy, IEEE Access, doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3022629. (SCI)
  14. Kai-Po Chang, John Wang, Chi-Chang Chang,and Yen-Wei Chu* (2020) Development of a Novel Tool for the Retrieval and Analysis of Hormone Receptor Expression Characteristics in Metastatic Breast Cancer via Data Mining on Pathology Reports, BioMed Research International, 2020(7):2654815.(SCI)
  15. Yen-Wei Chu, Ching-Hsuan Chien, Mei-I Sung, Chi-Wei Chen, and Yu-Ting Chen (2020) dBMHCC: a comprehensive Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) biomarker database provides a reliable prediction system for novel HCC phosphorylated biomarkers, PLoS ONE, 15(6): e0234084. (SCI)
  16. Chi-Hua Tung, Ching-Hsuan Chien, Chi-Wei Chen, Lan-Ying Huang, Yu-Nan Liu and Yen-Wei Chu* (2020) QUATgo: Protein quaternary structural attributes predicted by two-stage machine learning approaches with heterogeneous feature encoding, PLoS ONE, 15(4): e0232087. (SCI)
  17. Chi-Wei Chen, Meng-Han Lin, Chi-Chou Liao, Hsung-Pin Chang and Yen-Wei Chu* (2020) iStable 2.0: Predicting protein thermal stability changes by integrating various characteristic modules, Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 18:622-630. (SCI: 6.018)
  18. Yen-Wei Chu, Kai-Po Chang, Chi-Wei Chen, Yu-Tai Liang, Zhi Thong Soh and Li‐Ching Hsieh* (2020) miRgo: integrating various off-the-shelf tools for identification of microRNA–target interactions by heterogeneous features and a novel evaluation indicator, Scientific Reports, 10:1466. (SCI)
  19. Jehn-Hwa Kuo, Chi-Chang Chang, Chi-Wei Chen, Heng-Hao Liang, Chih-Yen Chang and Yen-Wei Chu* (2020) Sequence-Based Structural B-cell Epitope Prediction by Using Two Layer SVM Model and Association Rule Features, Current Bioinformatics, 15(3), doi:10.2174/1574893614666181123155831 (SCI)
  20. Jone-Han Liu, Chi-Chang Chang, Chi-Wei Chen, Li-Ting Wong and Yen-Wei Chu* (2019) Conservation region finding for influenza A viruses by machine learning methods of N-linked glycosylation sites and B-cell epitopes, Mathematical Biosciences, 315:108217. (SCI)
  21. Chi-Chou Liao, Liang-Jwu Chen, Shuen-Fang Lo, Chi-Wei Chen and Yen-Wei Chu* (2019) EAT-Rice: A predictive model for flanking gene expression of T-DNA insertion activation-tagged rice mutants by machine learning approaches, PLoS Comput Biol, 15(5):e1006942. (SCI)
  22. Kai-Po Chang, Yen-Wei Chu* and John Wang (2019) Analysis of Hormone Receptor Status in Primary and Recurrent Breast Cancer Via Data Mining Pathology Reports, Open Medicine, 20(14): 91-98. (SCI)
  23. Yu-Ting Chen, Chi-Chang Chang, Chi-Wei Chen, Kuan-Chun Chen and Yen-Wei Chu* (2019) MADS-Box Gene Classification in Angiosperms by Clustering and Machine Learning Approaches, Frontiers in Genetics, 8(9): 707. (SCI)
  24. Chi-Wei Chen, Kai-Po Chang, Cheng-Wei Ho, Hsung-Pin Chang and Yen-Wei Chu* (2018) KStable: A Computational Method for Predicting Protein Thermal Stability Changes by K-Star with Regular-mRMR Feature Selection, Entropy, 20(12): 988. (SCI)
  25. Chi-Chang Chang,Chi-Hua Tung,Chi-Wei Chen,Chin-Hau Tu and Yen-Wei Chu* (2018) SUMOgo: Prediction of sumoylation sites on lysines by motif screening models and the effects of various post-translational modifications. scientific report, 19;8(1):15512. doi: (SCI)
  26. Quan Zou, Chi-Wei Chen, Hao-Chen Chang and Yen-Wei Chu* (2018) Identifying Cleavage Sites of Gelatinases A and B by Integrating Feature Computing Models. Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 711-724 (SCI)
  27. Chi-Chou Huang, Chi-Chang Chang, Chi-Wei Chen, Shao-yu Ho, Hsung-Pin Chang and Yen-Wei Chu* (2018) PClass: Protein Quaternary Structure Classification by Using Bootstrapping Strategy as Model Selection. Genes, Vol. 9, No. 2, pii: E91. doi: 10.3390/genes9020091 (SCI)
  28. Chi-Wei Chen, Chi-Chang Chang, Hui-Chih Hung, Hsung-Pin Chang and Yen-Wei Chu* (2018) Constructing Feature Models for Citrullination Sites Prediction. Journal of Quality, Vol. 25, No. 3, doi:10.6220/joq.201806_25(3).0004 (EI)
  29. Chi-Hua Tung, Pei-Wei Shueng, Yen-Wei Chu*, Chi-Wei Chen, Chian-Ying Chen (2017) Identifying Post-Translational Modification Crosstalks for Breast Cancer. Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 111-120 (EI)
  30. Chi-Hua Tung, Chi-Wei Chen, Han-Hao Sun, Yen-Wei Chu* (2017) Predicting human protein subcellular localization by heterogeneous and comprehensive approaches, PLoS ONE, 12(6):e0178832. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178832 (SCI)
  31. Chi-Hua Tung, Chi-Wei Chen, Ren-Chao Guo, Hui-Fuang Ng, Yen-Wei Chu* (2016) QuaBingo: A Prediction System for Protein Quaternary Structure Attributes Using Block Composition, BioMed Research International, 2016:9480276, doi:10.1155/2016/9480276 (SCI: 2.134)
  32. Han-Ju Chien+, Yen-Wei Chu+, Chi-Wei Chen, Yu-Min Juang, Min-Wei Chien, Chih-Wei Liu, Chia-Chang Wu, Jason T.C. Tzen and Chien-Chen Lai* (2016) 2-DE combined with two-layer feature selection accurately establishes the origin of oolong tea, Food Chemistry, 211:392-9, doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.05.043 (SCI: 6.306, Co-first Author)
  33. Chi-Wei Chen, Jerome Lin, Yen-Wei Chu* (2013) iStable: Off-the-shelf Predictor Integration for Predicting Protein Stability Changes, BMC Bioinformatics, 14(suppl 2):S5, doi:10.1186/1471-2105-14-S2-S5 (SCI: 2.435, ranking: 17.9%)
  34. Wei-Jie Pan, Chi-Wei Chen, Heng-Hao Liang, Yen-Wei Chu* (2012) Selecting High Efficacy siRNAs by Computational Models, Advanced Science Letters, 18: 141-144. (SCI: 1.253, rank: 25%)
  35. Chang-Hsien Yang, Yu-Yun Chang, Chi-Wei Chen, Min-Cheng Chan, Yen-Wei Chu* (2012) iMADS: The Class Identification of MADS-box Gene on Angiosperm, Advanced Science Letters, 18: 170-175. (SCI: 1.253, rank: 25%)
  36. Po-Chang Chang, Wei-Jie Pan, Chi-Wei Chen,Yu-Ting Chen and Yen-Wei Chu* (2012) DEsi: an design engine of siRNA that integrates SVMs prediction and feature filters, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, doi: 10.1016/j.bcab.2012.01.005. (SCI:3.4,rank:28.7%)
  37. Wei-Jie Pan, Chi-Wei Chen and Yen-Wei Chu* (2011)siPRED: Predicting siRNA efficacy using various characteristic methods, PLoS ONE, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0027602 (SCI: 3.057)
  38. Yu-Yun Chang+, Yen-Wei Chu+, Chi-Wei Chen, Wei-Ming Leu, Hsing-Fun Hsu and Chang-Hsien Yang* (2011) Characterization of Oncidium 'Gower Ramsey' Transcriptomes using 454 GS-FLX Pyrosequencing and Their Application to the Identification of Genes Associated with Flowering Time, Plant and Cell Physiology, 52(9): 1532-1545(SCI: 4.319, Co-first Author)
  39. Hui-Fuang Ng, Zeng-Wei Hong and Yen-Wei Chu(2008) "Pose and Expression Invariant Face Recognition from a Single Training Sample Using Similarity Vector", Journal of Cybernetics and Systems, 1(1): 21-26. (International Journal)
  40. Yen-Wei Chu* and Chuen-Tsai Sun (2007) Problem-based Approach for Bioinformatics. International Journal of Instructional Media,Vol. 34 #4. (International Journal)
  41. Yen-Wei Chu*, Chuen-Tsai Sun, and Chung-Yuan Huang (2006) Regularity of Protein Secondary Structures and Its Prediction. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 2(5), pp. 380-387. (EI).
  42. Chung-Yuan Huang, Chuen-Tsai Sun, and Yen-Wei Chu(2006) A Co-adaptive Approach to XCS Classifier Systems. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 2(5), pp. 388-394. (EI)
  43. Yen-Wei Chu* and. Jinn-Moon Yang (2003) Finding Regularity in Various Types of Secondary Protein Structures, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 19, pp.943-952. (SCI)

Conferences (*Invited speaker) :

  1. Shih-Huan Lin, Min-Ling Chuang, Ya-Wen Xu and Yen-Wei Chu* (2024) Deep Feature Extraction Non-Invasive Bladder Cancer Prediction System, Proceedings of the 2024 8th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, Pages 219 - 223. (Best Paper Award)
  2. Lan-Ying Huang, Han-Jung Hsiao, Zong-Zhun Lin, Chi-Wei Chen, Yen-Wei Chu* (2025) Using AI Approaches for Predicting Brain Ageing Changes in Schizophrenia, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP 2024), Vol. 28, pp.i80-i81. (SCI)
  3. Yen-Wei Chu* (2024) Using Patterned Deep Learning Approaches for Bladder Cancer Prediction, 2nd International Symposium on Medical Decision Science, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  4. Ching-Hsuan Chien, Li-Yun Tsai and Yen-Wei Chu* (2024) Protein Sequence-Based Classification for Five Types of Dementia, 2nd International Symposium on Medical Decision Science, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (Best Paper Award)
  5. Sih-Han Chen,Gui-Chou Liang, Lan-Ying Huang, Shih-Huan Lin, Shu-Mei Dai and Yen-Wei Chu* (2023) An early warning of insect infestation by artificial intelligence, Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, pp. 111.
  6. Chi-Wei Chen and Yen-Wei Chu* (2023) Applications of artificial intelligence in rice cultivation and tea origin identification, Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, pp. 56.
  7. Chi-Wei Chen and Yen-Wei Chu (2023) Exploring the Substrate Specificity of SUMO-1 and SUMO-2 using Convolutional Neural Networks, 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Japan.
  8. Tian-Fu Lee, Yen-Wei Chu*, Wei-Jie Huang, Chun-Wei Hsu and Zhi-Yang Chen (2023) Security Enhancement of Authentication Scheme for Smart Healthcare Services, Proceedings of 2023 7th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, pp. 129–135.
  9. Lan-Ying Huang, Chi-Wei Chen, Kai-Po Chang, Yen-Wei Chu* (2023) Comparing the prediction performance of machine learning and deep learning methods for 3c-like protease cleavage sites, Proceedings of 2023 7th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, pp. 34–38. (Best Paper Award)
  10. Tsung Han Chou, Su Hua Huang and Yen Wei Chu* (2023) Reducing the Time to Identify Drug Resistant Bacteria Caused by Bloodstream Infections Through Machine Learning and UV-Vis Spectroscopy, 2023 6th International Conference on Healthcare Service Management,Japan.
  11. Chi-Wei Chen, Meng-Han Lin, Hsung-Pin Chang and Yen-Wei Chu (2020) Improvement of Protein Stability Prediction by Integrated Computational Approach, 2020 10th International Conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, pp. 8-13.
  12. Shih-Huan Lin, Liang-Yu Hsia, Chen-Hua Liu and Yen-Wei Chu (2019) Using Artificial Intelligence Approaches for Predicting The Risk of Hepatic Decompensation Induced by Prod, ANIMH 2nd International Conference on Modern Trends in Engineering, Applied Sciences, IT and Communication Technologies, Hong Kong.
  13. Yu-Tai Laing, Chun-Chieh Chen, Shuen-Fang Lo, Tuan-Hua David Ho, Su-May Yu and Yen-Wei Chu (2019) Using Artificial Intelligence Approaches for Developing Wisdom Irrigation System for Crops, ANIMH 2nd International Conference on Modern Trends in Engineering, Applied Sciences, IT and Communication Technologies, Hong Kong.
  14. Chi-Wei Chen, Chin-Hau Tu and Yen-Wei Chu (2018) SUMOylation Sites Prediction by Machine Learning Approaches, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan. (
  15. Kai-Po Chang, Chi-Chang Chang, Yen-Wei Chu and John Wang (2018) BreastExtractor: A Word/Phrase Matching-Based Text Mining Program for Automatic Extraction of Hormone Receptor Data from Free-text Pathology Reports on Breast Cancer, the second International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics.(Best Paper Award)
  16. Kai-Po Chang, John Wang and Yen-Wei Chu (2016) Big data in pathologists’ office: large-scale extraction and analysis of immunohistochemical study result in free-text pathology reports by a client-side Python script, Paper presented at 2016 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society Of Pathology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  17. Ci-Jhou Liao, Liang-Jwu Chen, Yen-Wei Chu (2014) Using machine learning approach to predict the flanking genes expression in T-DNA insertion activation-tagged rice lines, Summer Workshop on Plant Molecular Biology, Nantou County, Taiwan, July 4-6.
  18. Chi-Wei Chen, Hui-Chih Hung, Yen-Wei Chu (2014) Citrullination Sites Prediction by Machine Learning Approaches, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM 2014), pp. 1-13.(Best Paper Award)
  19. Chi-Wei Chen, Hui-Chih Hung, Yen-Wei Chu (2013) Feature Model Integration by Evolutionary Computation for Predicting Protein Citrullination sites, Proceedings of the Taiwan Academic Network Conference 2013 (TANet 2013), pp. 1047-1052.
  20. Hao-Chen Chang and Yen-Wei Chu (2013) Gelatinase Substrate Cleavage Sites Prediction Using Machine Learning and Feature Selection, Proceedings of the Taiwan Academic Network Conference 2013 (TANet 2013), pp. 1053-1058.
  21. Chi-Wei Chen, Jerome Lin, Yen-Wei Chu* (2013) iStable: Off-the-shelf Predictor Integration for Predicting Protein Stability Changes, The Eleventh Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, January 21-23.
  22. Wen-Pin Hu, Chi-Wei Chen, Jian-Shiun Chen, and Yen-Wei Chu* (2012) Evaluating various machine learning approaches for the sunspot number prediction. Symposium of university league in Changhua, Yunlin, and Chiayi, Taiwan, December 7.
  23. Yu-Yun Chang, Yen-Wei Chu, Wei-Ming Leu and Chang-Hsien Yang (2011) Characterization of Oncidium 'Gower Ramsey' transcriptome for using GS-FLX 454 pyrosequencing and its application for studies of flowering time associate genes. The International Conference Plant Gene Discovery Technologies. Venue. February 23- 26.
  24. Yu-Yun Chang, Yen-Wei Chu, Hsing-Fun Hsu, Chi-Wei Chen, Wei-Ming Leu and Chang-Hsien Yang (2011) Characterization of Oncidium 'Gower Ramsey' transcriptomes using 454 GS-FLX pyrosequencing and their application to theidentification of genes associated with flowering time. 2011 Canadian Plant Genomics Workshop, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Canada, August 22-25.
  25. Wei-Jie Pan, Chi-Wei Chen and Yen-Wei Chu* (2011) High efficacy siRNA selection using machine learning approach, Proceedings of 2011 Joint Conference on 7th Taiwan Software Engineering (TCSE) and 22nd Object-Oriented Technology and Applications (OOTA), pp. 94-99
  26. Qiu-Hui Lin, Chi-Wei Chen, Zeng-Wei Hong*, and Yen-Wei Chu* (2009) PredPhosGrid - A Grid-based Phosphorylation Prediction System by Reengineering off-the-shelf Bioinformatic Websites, Proceedings of the 20th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, pp. 1-6.
  27. Cheng-Yu Liao, Wei-Fu Lu and Yen-Wei Chu* (2009) Using Genetic Algorithms to Assist the Classification of Biological Documents: An Example of Mushroom and Toadstool Data, Information Management and Commerce Technology Conference, pp. 559, Yunlin, Taiwan.
  28. Yen-Wei Chu*, Chin-Sheng Yu. and Hui-Fuang Ng. (2008) Protein Secondary Structures Prediction Using Data Fusion Approach, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), v. 4, pp. 1885-1890. (EI, NSC 96-2218-E-468-001)
  29. Hui-Fuang Ng* and Yen-Wei Chu (2008) Illumination Invariant Color Model for Image Matching and Object Recognition, The Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. (EI)
  30. Yen-Wei Chu*, Chin-Sheng Yu., Chia-Hsiang Pai and You-Ting Wu (2007) Protein Phosphorylation Site Prediction Using Data Fusion Approach, National Computer Symposium, v1, pp. 1-8 (NSC 96-2218-E-468-001)
  31. Yen-Wei Chu*, Chin-Sheng Yu., Chih-Ying Chen and Kun-Chang Hsieh (2007) Applying Sequence Conservation Strategy to Predict Protein Phosphorylation Site, National Computer Symposium, v1, pp.9-15 (NSC 96-2218-E-468-001)
  32. Ting-Yi Chang*, Yi-Ting Chen, and Yen-Wei Chu (2007) 'Develop the Peer Assessment of Cooperative Learning in e-Learning — Using Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relation, National Computer Symposium, pp. 554-561
  33. Hui-Fuang Ng*, Ding-Fu Wang and Yen-Wei Chu (2007) Illumination invariant color descriptors for image matching. The 20th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Miaoli, Taiwan.
  34. Yen-Wei Chu* and Chuen-Tsai Sun (2006) A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Approach for Protein Secondary Structures, Proceedings of the 6th IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), v. 4, pp. 3320-3324. (EI)
  35. Yen-Wei Chu*, Chuen-Tsai Sun, and Chung-Yuan Huang (2005) Finding Regularity in Protein Secondary Structures using a Cluster-based Genetic Algorithm. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Man-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (CIMMACS'05), Miami, Florida, USA, pp. 179-183. (IEE, EI)
  36. Chung-Yuan Huang*, Chuen-Tsai Sun, and Yen-Wei Chu (2005) Using a Coevolution Mechanism with a Dyna Architecture for Parameter Adaptation in XCS Classifier Systems. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Man-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (CIMMACS'05), Miami, Florida, USA, pp. 173-178. (IEE, EI)
  37. Yen-Wei Chu* and Chuen-Tsai Sun (2004) Regularity of secondary protein structures: A genetic algorithm approach, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), v. 3, pp. 2104-2108. (EI)
  38. Chuen-Tsai* Sun and Yen-Wei Chu (1997) Hysteresis Behavior in Fuzzy Perception: A Preliminary Experiment. Second International ICSC Symposium on Intelligent Industrial Automation and Soft Computing, Nimes, France, Sep. 1997.


  1. 朱彥煒等 (2024) 智慧醫療-健康大數據之應用模式案例探索/國立台灣大學精準醫學推動中心
  2. 朱彥煒等 (2024) 氣候變遷挑戰下的永續農業:提升糧食品質與產量的有效策略/科學月刊
  3. 朱彥煒等 (2023) 人工智慧科技於農業應用實務/中興大學精準農業領域教學推動中心
  4. 朱彥煒等 (2022) 智慧醫療-健康大數據/國立台灣大學精準醫學推動中心
  5. Chu Y.W. (2006) Finding Protein Secondary Structure Regularity and Related Applications: National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Dissertation)
  6. Chu Y.W. (1998) Studies on Hysteresis: Human Perception and Time Series Prediction: National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Master Thesis)


  1. 朱彥煒等 (2024) 發明_RGB模擬多光譜成像的作物水分預警系統 (專利號:I866508)
  2. 朱彥煒等 (2024) 發明_提高糧食作物中微量營養素含量之方法 (專利號:I861639)
  3. 朱彥煒等 (2024) 發明_稻熱病預警系統及方法(專利號:I831034)
  4. 朱彥煒等 (2023) 發明_預測水稻用水需求的系統及方法(專利號:I821719)
  5. 朱彥煒等 (2023) 新創_醬油鑑定系統 (專利號:M646122)
  6. 朱彥煒等 (2023) 發明_泌乳牛產乳效益的預測系統及方法(專利號:I792388)
  7. 朱彥煒等 (2022) 發明_水稻蟲害健康預警系統及方法(專利號:I765794)
  8. 朱彥煒等 (2022) 發明_蜂蜜鑑定方法以及蜂蜜鑑定系統 (專利號:I760820)
  9. 朱彥煒等 (2019) 發明_區別不同批次茶葉的方法及其鑑定系統 (專利號:I662279)


Time Content
2024 國家新創獎
2024 台灣創新技術博覽會發明競賽「鉑金獎」
2024 教育部永續能源創意實作競賽「銅牌」
2024 第五屆正瀚生技創新獎應用創新組-新銳潛力獎
2024 國際會議 The 8th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics 榮獲「最佳論文獎」
2024 國際會議 The International Symposium on Medical Decision Science 榮獲「最佳論文獎」
2023 興創競技場創新創業競賽「金獎」
2023 台灣創新技術博覽會發明競賽「銀獎」
2023 國際會議 The 7th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics 榮獲「最佳論文獎」
2022 榮獲中興大學111學年度特聘教授
2022 「水資料應用競賽」以「使用人工智慧演算法開發全方位水庫智慧管理級預警平台」榮獲「佳作」
2021 「應用作物生理指標建立需水超前預警系統」入圍「2021未來科技獎」參展技術
2021 榮獲中興大學110學年度產學績優教師
2018 榮獲中興大學107學年度優聘教師
2018 國際會議The second International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics榮獲最佳論文獎
2015 榮獲教育部教育部生技產業創新創業人才培育計畫生技創新創業獎最佳人氣獎
2014 國際會議 25th International Conference on Information Management 榮獲最佳論文獎